
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy One-Year Blogaversary to The Exchange!!!

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I have been blogging. A year ago today, I published my first posting on The Exchange and what a year it has been! I have loved every minute of blogging and want to thank all of you who subscribe, follow, bookmark or however you read The Exchange. I am so humbled that anyone would care to read what I have to share. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

I have learned so much this past year blogging and it's so much more than slowly educating myself on the technical side of uploading and publishing on the WWW. I have learned that there is an unimaginable level of support in the décor/craft/DIY blogging community that has blown me away, as have the non-blogging crafty readers as well. I never dreamed that I would get to know so many amazing and creative people from all corners of the world when I launched my first posting a year ago today. Your sweet emails, comments and notes of encouragement throughout this last year with every posting have warmed my heart and reaffirm my desire to share my thoughts and projects in this unique way.

When I started this blog, I had 3 followers. Watching The Exchange grow and end the first year with more than 1000 email subscribers and followers, really blows me away. Honestly, I was hoping for 52 at the end of my first year, one new friend each week. Thank you to all of you!

I’m looking forward to heading into The Exchange’s second year with full creative force! I have several big projects planned and ideas and hope you’ll continue to join me on this journey. I look forward to a year of sharing more of your projects as well, so please keep them coming!

Thank you again and I will be posting a new project very shortly to kick off The Exchange’s second year!



  1. Congratulations on your one year anniversary. That's amazing. I truly enjoy your blog. I am hosting my first blog party...the link opens up in about a half hour. I would love if you would come and join in the fun. Thanks.

  2. Love your blog! Yours was one of the first I jo ined.....Looking forward to year two!

  3. Love your blog and ideas. Jeri Redd

  4. Congrats on your first anniversary!Really enjoy your blog!

  5. *Cheers* to a fabulous first year! You've given me much inspiration!

  6. Thank you so much ladies! You all have made my day!

  7. Congrats Cyndy on a great first year! I enjoy reading your blog and love your ideas! I don't know how you find the time to accomplish all you do! Letha

  8. hi Cyndy- following you after Clair's post at Blessed Nest.. Great ideas...please stop by and visit me when you can...laura


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